Sunday, February 6, 2022

My Most Visited Sources

Blog Post #1

While news is obviously the most important thing in today's society,  there are many different platforms and viewpoints to gather news from.  This can lead to not only confusion, but purposeful misleading of large groups of people.  This absolute toss-up between fact or fiction can often be tied down to from whom you gathered your information.

Global news does not exactly touch my world on a daily basis, and this is somewhat reflected in my main sources of information and media.  Much of what keeps me up to date with current events and the modern world is found on sites like YouTube.  These platforms that allow creators to share their opinions and facts openly allows for a forum of different beliefs conflicting and combating.  This allows for people to see all sides of a story, no matter how much they might agree or disagree with them.  One of the biggest benefits of the internet being the platform that it is, ideas can be spread in the blink of an eye.  YouTube dominates this side of the news world as it allows instantaneous production of news content by and for anyone.

Something else I find very important when searching for news is making sure I keep my mind open to new ideas, even if I know they are biased.  My second and third choices are somewhat of a tie, as I feel that both are on even plains with how biased they can be.

Taking second, as I check in on it a smidgen more than the latter, is Fox News.  As much as I might disagree with many of the articles on their site and that they write, it gives readers an insight into mindsets or ways of thinking they might not have thought of before.  This is also the news source many people are exposed to by their parents, especially those of the conservative variety.  Growing up around Fox News allowed me to appreciate the fact that many people rarely care to think about the legitimacy of the news that they take in.  Rather, much of today's society is dedicated to the laughably overdramatic politics of the 21st century.  For me, Fox News is a site from which I can find some news, but mostly use it to see what I should be keeping an eye out for on other platforms.

For my third source, CNN was the necessary choice.  From one side of the extreme political spectrum to the other, I find it necessary sometimes to allow myself some access to both extremes.  This is idea mostly reflected in the last paragraph, but having grown up in a mainly conservative house, CNN was often seen as kind of a joke.  As I got older and payed even a sliver of attention to either source, it's fair to say that they are about on the same level of biased and can often lower themselves to the point of goofiness or the bizarre.

As I am not one who tends to put an excessive amount of value in the online news we may consume in our day to day lives, I tend to focus on more specified news that falls under my interests.  One of the most reliable news sources in my wheelhouse is IGN, or Imagine Games Network.  Since their conception, IGN has made it a point to be the most knowledgeable and informed source for game and popular culture news.  
Last, and as of late least on this list is GamesRadar.  GamesRadar is a classic game reviewing group that has been considered by the community to have fallen off in credibility lately, and as I may agree that some of their reviews seem overly negative, they still cover as many games and as much information as any of the other major games news outlets.

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